Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog Posting!

The CONTINUOUS STORY is about to begin!  Here's the optional blog assignment for this week:

I will begin a story with a couple of sentences; your job is to continue it with two postings of your own, apart from each other.  Each posting needs to be at least 2 sentences, but you can write as much as you want.  Here's how we'll start it:

It was a dark and stormy night as the two friends approached the abandoned house.  Thunder rumbled behind them, and rain threatened the sky.  Still, they continued to move towards the house.

Take it from there, folks!


  1. the friends continue towards the house not heading their parents warning to stay away.

  2. as they walk closer and closer they hear screams from they house they take a deap breath and walk closer.

  3. As they came closer, the front door slammed open revealing a friend of their's dead.

  4. They called the police and the officers investigated the scene. The officer comes up toward the two friends and tells them this was a murder scene!

  5. The two friends watch the dead courpose of their other friend being taken away tears swealing up in there eyes , and as the night reaches its peak they see a shadow figure in the house.

  6. They thought they were just seeing things. Although, the next day they decided to go back to the house.

  7. When they went back to the house they opened the door and saw other dead people. They couldn't believe it!

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  9. the friends scream bloody murder and the stinch of dead and decaying flesh litter the floor and the air.

  10. The door slams shut and from the shadows comes their.....dead friend.the friend says" Its time for you to join me.

  11. They were standing there not knowing what to do. Soon they realized that the other dead people were coming towards them, pushing them to were their dead friend was.

  12. The friends were paralyzed with fear as they were pushed closer and closer towards their friend's body.

  13. out of nowhere a masked figure bursts through the window grabbing the two kids. As he was about to jump to their escape something catches his foot, dragging him to the ground!

  14. As the trio tumbled to the floor, they kicked and thrashed out wildly, trying to escape. In the mess, they realize that who they earlier assumed was their dead friend was not really their friend at all. They did not recognize it's face at all.

  15. One of the dead people clawed at the mysterious hero's face. The mask came off! The two friends stared in shock at their missing friend. The crowd of bodies cleared as their friend led the way out.

  16. As the three friends head to the door the leader of the group of creatures jumped on to the missing friends back. As the creature did that a knife made of fire went through its head.

  17. the creatures feel to the ground stunned and in pain . They soon turned to dust and the two friends had questions for the other friend.

  18. They asked what had happened. He said that the zombies had been holding him as a prisoner.

  19. He explained his experience with great detail. He told of the other missing people he had seen before he escaped.

  20. Then from the area the knife was thrown from came a tall pale man. The friend went up and started talking in a weird language to him.

  21. As they got closer the rain came down harder then ever before. When Bob had a flashback about his mom saying not to go near the house.

  22. They came in to the foyer, then the door shut. A tall pale man came out of a shadow and said ... "Are you selling candy bars".

  23. The friends said no. They were wondering where they were so they asked the tall pale man what that place was called. Then a big cloud came with thundering and lightning soon they realized that the man had disappeared, without answering their question.

  24. it started raining and the kids were ssoaked there cloths and all. they never came back.

  25. then after it stop raining they went outside and never went to the house again.

  26. But a young boy was dared to stay at the house for one night. He went into the house armed with only a flash light.

  27. The thunder crackled as the storm raged. Only a sillohet of the boy was seen.

  28. the small boy heard foot steps coming from the hall.the boy turned slowly to see what it was.

  29. his heart pounding he approached the strange sillohet

  30. What he saw was a big scary shadow walking slowly toward him .

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  32. The boy was shacking in his boots as the the strange sillohet spoke his name. The boy diddnt know whether to speak or stand quitley.

  33. the boy backed away slowly from the shadow,when he triped on a leg of a chair.he tumbled to the ground.clutching his leg in pain he tryed to stand up.but the shadow had already dugg his claws deep in his heart and was sucking his soul out of his almost lifless body.when the boys dead grama came up behind the shadow and griped his soul holding bag. the shadow droped the boy and the boy clutched his chest trying to make sure he was ok.his grama broke open the bag and the shadow slowly turned to dust.the boy stood up and looked blankly at his dead gramma who just saved his life.a small tear running down his face.

  34. Then he took his grandmas dead body home and buried her in the back yard . Then a month later 3 teens came back to the same place . But they were never told about what happens there .

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  36. the grandmas ghost was still in the house. the teens entered the house and...

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  38. she was talking to the tall pale man that saved the missing friend in the weird language. the kids where frozen with fear then one saw it was his dead thirty year old brother so he he said " tom, i thought you where dead because of the car accident." him saying that alearted that the where there.

  39. then the children run i the clostet to hide from the ghostthe ghost knocks down the door

  40. the kids scream. the tall pale man says in a weird voice to tell the ghost to stop so it did

  41. and then the ghost says to bad and chases them out side
